主页 > 比赛分类 > 学科竞赛 > 数学建模



  重大改革:COMAP同时宣布2016年MCM/ICM竞赛不再要求邮寄纸质版论文,只需要邮寄参赛选手签名后的Control Sheet。MCM增加C题(大数据),ICM增加F题(政策)。收到Control Sheet的截止时间为美国东部时间2月26日,相比往年有大幅度延长。这一变更将极大的节省各参赛队的邮寄成本。
  2016 MCM/ICM Call for Entries
  Dear Colleagues:
  The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM), an international contest for high school students and college undergraduates, will hold its 18th annual competition in January 2016. Last year, 2137 teams from 504 institutions in seven countries participated in the contest. ICM is designed to develop and advance interdisciplinary problemsolving skills as well as competence in written communication.This year there will be three ICM problems to select from: one will focus on network science, the second on environmental science, and the third on policy. You can specifically build and prepare your team to tackle one of these topics, if you so chose.
  Your institution may take part in the ICM effort by encouraging a member of your department to serve as a faculty advisor and by promoting the participation of faculty and students from associated departments. Advisors help organize the teams, distribute contest materials, and return solution papers to COMAP.
  Please take a moment to read this Contest Overview, then go to www.mcmcontest.com for more information about ICM history, registration, deadlines, and contest rules. All registration will take place online. If you have any questions please contact icm@comap.com.
  We hope that you and your team(s) will enjoy this modeling
  Best Wishes,
  Chris Arney, Contest Director
  第18届国际数学建模竞赛(ICM)将于2016年1月举行,该赛事是面向大学生和高中生的国际性赛事。去年,来自7个国家的504个院校共2137个团队参加了竞赛。ICM 旨在发展并提升学生的解决交叉学科问题的能力和写作论文的能力。今年的ICM问题将有3道,题目选自于:第1个关注网络科学,第2个关注环境科学,第3个关注政策。您可以专门建立并准备你的团队去解决这些课题之一,如果你选择了某题。
  请先花片刻阅读本竞赛概要,然后到www.mcmcontest.com 进行注册,查看截止日,竞赛规则等信息。如有疑问,请联系icm@comap.com.
  Chris Arney,竞赛指导员
  Dear Colleagues:
  The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), a unique international contest for high school students and college undergraduates, will hold its 32nd annual competition in January 2016. Last year, 7636 teams from 971 institutions in seventeen countries participated in the contest. The MCM is designed to stimulate and improve problem-solving and writing skills in mathematics. Students participate as team members rather than as individuals, creating an environment for sharing knowledge and skills. Your institution may take part in the MCM effort by encouraging a member of your department to serve as a faculty advisor and by promoting the participation of faculty and students from associated departments. Advisors help organize the teams, distribute contest materials, and return solution papers to COMAP.
  Please take a moment to read this Contest Overview and then go to www.mcmcontest.com for more information about registration, deadlines, and contest rules. All registration will take place online. If you have any questions please contact mcm@comap.com.
  We hope that you and your team take pleasure in this intellectual challenge and enjoy the spirit of this competition.
  Best Wishes,
  Patrick Driscoll, Contest Director
  第32 届国际数学建模竞赛(MCM)将于2016年1月举行,该赛事是面向大学生和高中生的国际性赛事。去年,来自17个国家的917个院校共7636个团队参加了竞赛。MCM 旨在激励与提高学生应用数学解决实际问题的能力和写作能力。学生需组队参与,以便形成一个共同分享知识与能力的团队环境。
  请先花片刻阅读本竞赛概要,然后到www.mcmcontest.com 进行注册,查看截止日,竞赛规则等信息。如有疑问,请联系icm@comap.com.
  William P. Fox,竞赛指导员
  Contest Overview
  MCM and ICM are parallel contests and follow the same rules.
  All the information listed below, except where noted, pertains to both contests.
  ICM 和MCM 是两个同时进行的竞赛,遵循相同的规则
  The Ground Rules
  Contest Date and Time: The 2016 contests must be accomplished at a local facility starting at 8:01 PM EST on Thursday, January 28, 2016 and ending at 8:00 PM EST on Monday, February 1, 2016.
  竞赛的日期时间:2016年美国大学生数学建模竞赛将于2016年1月28号(周四)晚上8:01 分(美国东部时间)开始,于2016年2月1号(周一)晚上8:00(美国东部时间)结束,比赛的地点为当地的院校。
  Faculty advisors must ensure that no further modifications, enhancements, additions, or improvements may be made to the team’s solution paper after the contest deadline. (8:00 PM EST on Monday, February 1, 2016.)
  Each team is required to submit an electronic copy of its solution paper by email to solutions@comap.com. The advisor or any team member may submit this email.
  每个队都必须通过email 将论文电子副本提交到solutions@comap.com。此任务可由负责老师或组员完成。
  Your email MUST be received at COMAP by the submission deadline of 9:00 PM EST on February 1, 2016.
  COMAP must then receive your Signed Printed Control Sheet via mail on or before Friday, February 26, 2016.
  The Contest Materials: The contest Website contains all the guidelines, requirements, judging criteria, and suggested procedures for the submission of solution papers, including step-by-step instructions.
  No materials will be available in any other form.
  On Thursday, January 28, 2016 at 8:00 PM EST, the contest problems will be posted on the contest Website.
  The Advisors: Advisors inform students about this competition and encourage the formulation of teams.
  Advisors may guide and rehearse the team prior to the beginning of the competition.
  During the competition, the students are expected to develop all of the substantive analysis without the help of others.
  Registration of Teams: All teams must register online on or before January 28, 2016‚ at 2:00 PM EST.
  A $100 registration fee must be paid at registration online in order to participate.
  注册时候,每个参赛队伍必须支付100 美元参赛费。
  The MCM and ICM contests allow unlimited teams per institution, with unlimited teams per department.
  MCM 和ICM对每个学校的参数队伍数不做限制,每个院系队书也没有限制。
  Each team consists of up to three high school or undergraduate students who are enrolled in school at the time of the contest.
  Team members do not need to be named at the time of registration, but they must be determined before the contest problems are read.
  The Contest Problems: Teams will choose any of six modeling
  MCM Problem A (continuous)
  MCM Problem B (discrete)
  MCM Problem C (big data)
  ICM Problem D (operations research/network science)
  ICM Problem E (environmental science)
  ICM Problem F (policy)
  MCM 题A(连续型)
  MCM 题B(离散型)
  MCM 题C(大数据)
  ICM 题D(运筹学/网络科学)
  ICM 题E(环境科学)
  ICM 题F(政策)
  Data, if needed, will be attached to the problem or available on the contest Website.
  Sample problems from other years are online at www.mcmcontest.com
  The Report: Participants may use all the resources available such as computers, libraries, software packages, Internet, or any other inanimate sources.
  Problems are designed to be open-ended and are unlikely to have a unique solution.
  Attention must be focused on clarity, analysis, and design of the solution.
  The narrative section of the solution papers must be typed and in English.
  Partial solutions are acceptable.
  You are no longer required to mail a print copy of your Solution Paper.
  Results: Judging will be completed by April 2016.
  Team solutions will be designated as Successful Participant, Honorable Mention, Meritorious, Finalist, or Outstanding.
  The results will be posted on COMAP’s Website.
  Certificates and press releases will be mailed or emailed by May 2016.
  证书和新闻稿将在2016年5月被邮寄或通过email 寄出。
  Select outstanding teams will have their solution papers published in The UMAP Journal.
  杰出队伍的求解论文将在UMAP 杂志上发表。
  Prizes: will sponsor a $10,000 Scholarship Award to the two best USA teams in the competition.
  The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) will designate an Outstanding Team from each of the problems as an INFORMS winner.
  运筹学与管理学研究协会(INFORMS)将从三个题目各指定一个杰出团队作为INFORMS 的赢家。
  The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) will designate one Outstanding Team from each MCM problem as a SIAM winner.
  美国工业和应用数学学会(SIAM)将从MCM 的每个题目中指定一个杰出队作为一个SIAM赢家。
  The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) will designate one Outstanding Team from each problem for the MCM as a MAA winner.
  美国数学协会(MAA)美国工业和应用数学学会(SIAM)将从MCM 的每个题目中指定一个杰出队作为一个MAA 赢家。
  For detailed information on all of the above, please go to the contest Website at: www.mcmcontest.com
  Recent ICM Contest Outstanding Teams
  Xidian University, China
  Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2)
  Tsinghua University, China
  National University of Defense Technology, China
  NC School of Science and Mathematics, NC
  Humboldt State University, CA
  Zhejiang University, China
  Recent MCM Contest Outstanding Teams
  Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  State University of New York, University at Buffalo, NY
  Chongqing University, China
  Central South University, China
  University of Adelaide, Australia
  University of Colorado Boulder, CO (2)
  Bethel University, MN
  Colorado College, CO
  Tsinghua University, China

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