时间:2024-01-30 13:09 浏览:次
要想译好英译汉,需要在理解的基础上,适时使用各种翻译技巧,这样可以使译文更加完整、生动。再经过反复推敲,既能保证译文的准确、完整,又能保证其通顺,合乎汉语表达方式。要想译好汉译英,就需要注意选择最地道的用词,避免中国式的翻译;翻译完后,审查核对是否有漏译和赘述,词汇和语法是否正确,然后再加以润色。 【典型题例】 Section A Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. Write the answer on the answer sheet. Many forests and grasslands across the world have been shrinking—or even disappearing—for many years. The idea of restoring forests and grasslands is nothing new. Scientists have tested many methods of restoring grasslands with positive results. In some cases, they simply plant new grass in places where it has disappeared. Some projects have even reintroduced animals and plants. In turn, these places were converted into their previous states of flourishing life. Not only does this help plant and animals species, it can also prevent the dust storms that pose a health risk to humans. Translate the following paragraph into English. Write the answer on the answer sheet. “乐观”并不是指,相信一切都非常好,而是相信,一定可以找到一个理由,让自己开心起来。许多人感到疑问,为什么我总是那么快乐,一切都能泰然处之。我并不是傻乎乎地觉得每件事都好极了。我和所有人一样,也会遇到烦心事。不过,我永远相信,一定有一个理由让我积极乐观起来,只是我是否已经找到了它。