主页 > 比赛分类 > 学科竞赛 > 英语竞赛



















Section B

International travel is becoming easier, faster and cheaper for many people nowadays. Write a composition to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the growth of international travel both for travelers and for the countries they visit. You are asked to give your own views and write in an appropriate style in 150 words. Write your answer on the answer sheet.





Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend in international travel. It is so popular that traveling abroad has been recognized as a fashion lifestyle.


International travel is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives. In the first place, it helps to introduce the country to foreigners. Moreover, it has a great contribution to the local culture construction and economical development. In addition, travelers visiting regions with rich heritage can experience local people’s lives. However international travel may also bring about a series of problems. Firstly, tourism may bring environmental pollution. Secondly, there may be misunderstandings between the visitors and local people because of the language barrier and custom difference.


But in my opinion what is more important is its positive side. We should make good use of the opportunity of international travel to enrich our lives and alsowe should learn more about the countries well visit and avoid cultural misunderstandings.
