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大英赛备赛| 2024年大英赛A类样题解析!

2024大英赛A类例题分析Vocabulary & Grammar



在这关键的时刻,小编为大家精心准备了2024年大英赛A类词汇和语法(Vocabulary & Grammar)的例题及易错题解析!小伽将带领同学们深入探索题目背后的出题逻辑和解题策略,助力同学们在竞赛中展现出色的表现,满怀信心地迎接挑战!




【Vocabulary & Grammar】


2024年全国大学生英语竞赛笔试第二部分:词汇、语法(Vocabulary, Grammar)由15道四选一的语法和词汇选择题(含2-3 道情景对话类小题)组成,共15道题,计15分,主要考查同学们在本类别英语学习中所应掌握的词汇及语法知识及根据上下文语境做出反应的能力!




There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 


26. Many of the people and places in the book have been ()in the names of streets. 

A. anticipated 

B. commemorated 

C. commercialized 

D. appealed 

27. Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical (). 

A. considerations 

B. obligations 

C. observations 

D. regulations 

28. The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could (). 

A. stand up to 

B. put up with 

C. make up for 

D. come up with 

29. —I still haven't made a decision() the new engineering project. 

—It's really a hard choice. 

A. in contrast to 

B. in view of 

C. on account of 

D. with regard to 

30. We are going to have a get-together before we ()for the summer vacation. 

A. break down 

B. break out 

C. break through 

D. break up 

31. Etymologically considered, the word journeyman means one who is employed (). 

A. by the day 

B. by day 

C. by a day 

D. by days 

32. Although they suffered a serious drought, the harvest was not ()they got the year before. 

A. more than 

B. more or less 

C. less than 

D. all the more 

33. There's one thing I dislike about him: he will never ()having made the mistake. 

A. identify 

B. reconcile 

C. confront 

D. admit 

34. ()for your help, we'd never have been able to finish the project on time. 

A. If it were not 

B. Had it not been 

C. If we had not been 

D. Had it not 

35. Once environmental damage (), it will take many years for the system to recover. 

A. has done 

B. to be done 

C. is done 

D. done 

36. I enjoyed myself so much ()I visited my grandparents in the countryside last year. 

A. when 

B. where 

C. because 

D. that 

37. Language belongs to (), to the flower-seller as much as to the professor. 

A. each among us 

B. each one of us

C. anybody of us

D. those of us 

38. —Did you watch the 6 o'clock programme on Channel 9 yesterday evening? I was about to watch it when someone came to see me. 

—Yeah! It reported some major breakthrough in cancer research. ()

A. It really made me feel scared. 

B. It was frequently interrupted by commercials. 

C. The programme was mainly meant for cancer patients. 

D. People over 40 would find the programme worth watching. 

39. —Hello, I have a reservation for tonight. 

—Your name, please. 

—Nelson, Charles Nelson. 

—OK, Mr Nelson. That's a room for five and ... 

—But excuse me, you mean a room for five pounds?() 

—No, no, hold on—according to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name. 

A. I didn't know the special was so good. 

B. I'm not going to stay here any longer. 

C. You tried to take advantage of my inexperience. 

D. It's only half price on weekends. 

40. —Mary, I hope you've packed and are ready to leave. 

—Yes, I've packed, but not quite ready. I can't find my passport. 

—Your passport? That's the one thing you mustn't leave behind. 

—I know. I haven't lost it. I've packed, but ()

—Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on! The taxi is waiting. 

A. there might be a traffic jam. 

B. I've probably left it in a taxi. 

C. I'm afraid you've taken it. 

D. I can't remember which bag it's in. 




26—30 BACDD

31—35 ACDBC

36—40 ABDAD


26. Many of the people and places in the book have been (B)in the names of streets.

A. anticipated

B. commemorated

C. commercialized

D. appealed


A. anticipated - 预期的,预计的

B. commemorated - 纪念的,作为纪念的

C. commercialized - 商业化的

D. appealed - 吸引,呼吁

"Commemorated" 意味着为了表示敬意或记忆而进行的命名或纪念,符合句子的语境。


30. We are going to have a get-together before we (D)for the summer vacation.

A. break down

B. break out

C. break through

D. break up


A. break down 这个短语可以有多个含义,通常指某物发生故障或停止运作。在非物质的语境中,它也可以指计划、协议或人的身体健康的崩溃。

B. break out 通常用来描述突然发生的事情,尤其是不愉快或意外的事件,也可以用来形容某人突然表现出强烈的情感。例如:"A fire broke out in the building."(大楼里突然发生了火灾。)

C. break through这个短语意味着取得突破性进展或成功克服障碍。它常用于描述科学、技术、体育或战争等领域的重大进展。

D. break up 通常指结束一段关系或解散一个团体,在这里指的是学期或活动的结束,符合句子描述的情景。


36. I enjoyed myself so much (A)I visited my grandparents in the countryside last year.

A. when

B. where

C. because

D. that

解析:这个句子表达的是作者去年访问祖父母时非常享受。"When" 是一个时间状语从句的引导词,用来指明享受的时间点。


40. —Mary, I hope you've packed and are ready to leave.

—Yes, I've packed, but not quite ready. I can't find my passport.

—Your passport? That's the one thing you mustn't leave behind.

—I know. I haven't lost it. I've packed, but (D)

—Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on! The taxi is waiting.

A. there might be a traffic jam.

B. I've probably left it in a taxi.

C. I'm afraid you've taken it.

D. I can't remember which bag it's in.


A. 可能会有交通堵塞。

B. 我可能把它忘在出租车里了。

C. 我担心你拿走了它。

D. 我记不得它放在哪个包里了。

这个对话中,Mary 表示她已经打包好了,但是还没有准备好离开,因为她找不到护照。最后一句话是对她找不到护照的原因的补充说明。"I can't remember which bag it's in" 表示她不记得护照放在哪个包里,这与前文提到的打包行为和找不到护照的情况相符合。




1. 扫一眼题目,翻译题目并抓住题目大意!

2. 深挖研究题干,揪出关键词及关键点!

3. 剔除“显而易见”的错误选项!

4. 逻辑推理,联系情景来确定最合适的答案 !

6. 对犹豫的题目打个记号,稍后有时间再来作答!



