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1 In a narrower sense, viewed in the perspective of European culture, Goethe indeed represents people of the post-Renaissance period in terms of their intellectual life and their inner problems. 2 In modern times people have abandoned their strong Christian faith in an omnipotent God. 3 Their spirit has been emancipated and they have acquired freedom. 4 Yet, on the other hand, they have lost what gave them strength. They are nervously groping in the dark; they are spiritually tormented; they engage in a quest, trying to find the true meaning and value of life through their mundane efforts. 5 Goethe is a great representative of our Zeitgeist. His most important work, Faust, is a reflection of everything in this kind of life and a solution to its problems. 6 All that Goethe and Dr Faust, his stand-in, do throughout their lives is to experience to the fullest the peculiar spirit and meaning of life in modern times, try to understand its tragedy, strive to solve its problems and show people the way of deliverance. 7 This is why his Faust is deemed the Bible of modern times.8 But Goethe is different from Dante and Shakespeare, in that he does not merely enlighten us about the true meaning of life through his works. 9 His personal character and behavior does even more in demonstrating the great and subtle truth of life.
1.再狭小范围 = 在更狭小的意义上讲:in a narrower sense 再 = 更
就……观点说 = 就……方面看来:viewed in the perspective of ...
代表文艺复兴以后近代人的心灵生活及其内在的问题 = 在其精神生活及其内在问题方面代表着后文艺复兴时期的人们:represents people of the post-Renaissance period in terms of their intellectual life and their inner problems.
心灵生活 = 精神生活:intellectual life
2.近代人推动了基督教对一超越上帝虔诚的信仰 = 在近代,人们曾经抛弃他们对万能上帝的强烈的基督教信仰:In modern times people have abandoned their strong Christian faith in an omnipotent God.
人类精神上获得了解放 = 他们的精神得到了解放:Their spirit has been emancipated
emancipate:vt. 解放,使不受(法律、政治或社会的)束缚。
4.同时 = 另一方面:on the other hand
彷徨摸索,苦闷,追求,欲在生活本身的努力中寻得人生的意义与价值 =他们正在黑暗中紧张地探索;他们精神上受到折磨;他们参与探索,试图通过世俗的努力发现人生的真正意义和价值:They are nervously groping in the dark; they are spiritually tormented; they engage in a quest, trying to find the true meaning and value of life through their mundane efforts
5.Zeitgeist:n.(德语)时代精神 (歌德是德国人,所以这里“时代精神”用德语)
主著 = 最重要著作:most important work
这人生全部问题的反映 = 这种人生中所有事情的反映:a reflection of everything in this kind of life
6.歌德与其替身浮士德一生生活的内容 = 歌德与其替身浮士德他们整个人生所做的所有事情:All that Goethe and Dr Faust, his stand-in, do throughout their lives
这近代人生特殊的精神意义 = 近代人生的这种特殊精神和意义:the peculiar spirit and meaning of life in modern times
解救之道:the way of deliverance deliverance:n. 释放,解救;救助
7.所以 = 这就是为什么……:this is why ...
称A为B = A被视为B:A is deemed B
……与……不同的地方,就是……:... is different from ..., in that ... (that引导从句,充当介词in的宾语)
由作品里启示我们人生真相 = 通过他的作品向我们启示人生的真正意义:enlighten us about the true meaning of life through his works
enlighten sb about sth:启示某人某事物
9.尤其在他自己的人格与生活中表现了人生广大精微的义谛 = 他的个人性格和行为在展现人生的广大的和精微的真理方面做得更多:His personal character and behavior does even more in demonstrating the great and subtle truth of life.
人格 = 个人性格:personal character 或 personality
生活 = 行为:behavior
人生广大精微的义谛:the great and subtle truth of life


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