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1. 新赛道:“理解当代中国”
 2023年”外研社·国才杯“首次设置了“理解当代中国”为大主题的新赛道,相比较2022年的“外研社·国才杯”还只是全国演讲、阅读、写作大赛。这一变化显示出,新的时代背景更加明确了外语人才的新的使命。 值得注意的是,新的赛道其实是新的机会,只要用心准备有大收获的可能性更高。
2. 题目:The Chinese Path to Modernization 中国实现现代化的道路初看这个题目,我的感觉是很“宏大”。但细看,题目给我们提供了五个方面,通过分析这五个方面,我们的思路就会变得比较清晰了。这五个方面分别是:

1. The modernization of a huge population:
2. The modernization of common prosperity for all:
1和2,这两点联系比较密切,在人口基数巨大的情况下,如何实现普惠共享其实是一个很艰难的任务。With a vast population, how to achieve universal benefits and share the fruits of development is indeed an arduous challenge.
Making people's life better是理解当代中国英语演讲教程第一单元的主题。在第一单元中,我们主要学习了中国梦的概念和内涵以及中国目前取得的一些值得世界称赞的成绩。
「The Chinese Dream: The Chinese people have been struggling since the advent of modern times to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the Party celebrates its centenary in 2021, and to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the time the People’s Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049.」
    对于这种较为宏大的题才, “以小见大”是非常常用的技巧之一。短短几分钟的演讲很难生动的说清道明中国这几年的发展。但是,如果你能够讲好宏大时代背景下的一个小人物的故事,那他便是时代的缩影,让我们想象到数以亿计的中国人可能都有类似的人生经历。
优秀案例参考:(吕一帆上届亚军的the Grand Cause)
    「And now I'd like to start with a little story of a small village. The story begins with muddy roads, rocky paths, and wooden cottages. That's the impression I had when I visited my grandparent's house in a mountainous village called Xiao Zhi. In Taizhou City. As a toddler, I was really scared when the night fell. The whole village would enter darkness and silence without any road lamps. In such a poor village. There were a bunch of diligent ladies that took up the role of breadwinners, including my grandma, by weaving what we called straw hats. These straw hats sold for 50 cents each, helping to pay for my father's tuition. But it was far from enough to make the whole family better off. Luckily, a few years ago, the price of straw hats was greatly raised. Thanks, fashionable design, and international marketing. My grandma was really excited to tell me that her handicrafts have been sold overseas. Words like e-commerce original design and live streaming popped out of her mouth. She was really grateful to the local government and enterprises that made the villagers better off. 」
    吕同学就是运用了「以小见大」的构思手法,通过一顶小小的草帽,反映出了人民的生活变得 better off。奶奶手工编织的草帽,一个只卖不到一块钱,却作为主要经济收入供给了演讲者父亲上学的机会。而今天,因为文化传播的发展,作为民族传统手工艺品的草帽成为了抢手商品,作者一家的生活水平也得到了提高,这也体现出了中国在发展的过程中始终坚持以人民为中心。这小小的一个家庭的发展故事,让人们联想到全国的每一个家庭都通过不同的“草帽”变得越来越好、每一个城市的也因此不断的发展,这样的故事时时刻刻在我们身边上演。
3. The modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement:
「The principal challenge facing Chinese society is the gap between unbalanced and inadequate development and the ever-growing expectation of the people for a better life. In the past, we worked to provide for people’s basic needs; now we are striving to improve their quality of life. We must focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development to better meet the growing expectation of our people in all areas, and further promote well-rounded personal development and common prosperity for all. By 2050, we will build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful. 2017年10月18日,习近平同志在十九大报告中强调,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。过去我们努力解决温饱问题,现在我们正在努力提高人们的生活质量。」
「Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible description of afar away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. And Marco answered: What I have told you was not even half of what Is aw. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of the Beijing that awaits you. -------杨澜女士08年申奥演讲」
「 Ladies and gentlemen, China’s economy is robust and resilient. It is not dependent on any one sector. We have our fair share of natural resources and are the world’s largest trading partner. All of these factors give our economy diversity and strength to support every commitment that we make. ------杨澜女士22年冬奥演讲」
4. The modernization of harmony between humanity and nature:
Live Green, Live Better是理解当代中国演讲教程第六单元的主题。「书中说到:The modernization that we pursue is one characterized by harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In addition to creating more material and cultural wealth to meet people’s ever-increasing desire for a better life, we need also to provide more quality ecological goods to meet people’s ever-growing demands for a beautiful environment.」
In terms of air quality, 87.0% of the 337 cities at or above the prefecture level had good days, up 5.0 percentage points year-on-year. 在大气方面,全国337个地级及以上城市平均优良天数比例为87.0%,同比上升5.0个百分点。
Ecological afforestation for desert control in northwest China. (西北的造林治沙)如果你的家乡正好位于中国西北部,而且你正好经历了西北造林治沙,那么你可以用自身的故事来彰显中国人坚持生态建设的决心。
电动汽车产业:China's electric car industry is growing rapidly. 同学们可以搜素相关的资料(优先选择权威机构发布的、具有时效性的数据)。如果你的家里,正好更换了一辆电动汽车,你也可以讲讲自己的故事。
“碳中和”(carbon neutrality),节能减排术语。碳中和是指国家、企业、产品、活动或个人在一定时间内直接或间接产生的二氧化碳或温室气体排放总量,通过植树造林、节能减排等形式,以抵消自身产生的二氧化碳或温室气体排放量,实现正负抵消,达到相对“零排放”。



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