1. 设问角度突出考查对整句话或对上下文乃至全篇的理解;
2. 增加了语篇理解的试题。不再单纯考查基础语法知识,而是更多地考查文句之间的关联和行文逻辑的推理。
@根据上下文理解自由选择适当的单词填空全国大学生英语竞赛完形填空部分设10个空,每空1分,共计10 分。
1. 先通读一遍全文,抓住文章的大意或称中心思想———这一思想一般包含在由段首主题句、段尾结束语以及各种重复出现的词语交织而成的信息网之中。对于那些与上下文关系很小的句内题,如大多数语法和一些词汇搭配题,可边读边填。
2. 读第二遍,主要目的是将所有题目全部填完,对于需要推敲的单词,一定要紧密联系上下文,找与之联系的词语搭配,从多方面仔细推敲,还应该充分考虑上下文的语境、时态。对于不确定的空,应划线做标记。
According to recent surveys, 72% of all Americans believe that the United States government is (1)hi( )information about UFOs. Almost 68% of people think that the government has secret knowledge of extraterrestrial life. It is not (2) ( ) (surprise) that the government has come under more and more (3) pr( )to declassify its UFO records and make them public. Avariety of different groups have been involved in these efforts.
One group to become involved is called CFI,the Coalition for Freedom of Information. John Podesta, who was White House Chief of Staff during Bill Clinton’s (4) ( ) (president), is one of the many high-powered people active in this group. CFI’s aim is not to prove the (5) ( ) (exist) of extraterrestrial life, but to make it easier for scientists in general to study unexplained aerial phenomena. Podesta and his group have asked the Pentagon to declassify its UFO records and therefore provide scientists (6) ( )data that will help in the study of UFOs.
CFI has requested the release of informationon several UFO cases, starting with the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, incident. This incident took (7) ( ) in 1965 when a large acorn-shaped object, the size of a small car, crashed in Pennsylvania. Some analysts say it could have been the spacecraft Kosmos 96 that had been launched towards Venus by the Soviet Union, but failed to escape Earth’s(8) g( ) . Others say the object did not look anything like spacecraft built on Earth in 1965.
(9) Add( ), the people of Kecksburg want to know what happened. On that (10) af( ), hundreds of eyewitnesses watched a fiery streak of light descend from the sky towards Earth. Officials explained that nothing was foundor recovered and that maybe the fireball in the sky was a meteor. But many witnesses say they saw a number of military personnel from the Army and the Air Force search the woods, and later that evening, saw a large military tractor-trailercoming from the area carrying a large object under a tarp.
1. hiding。文章第二句“Almost 68% of people think that the government has secret knowledge of extraterrestrial life. ”是对第一句话“72% of all Americans believe that the United States government is hi( ) information about UFOs. ”的解释说明,其中“secret knowledge of extraterrestrial life”里的这个“secret”是帮助判断空格处所填词为hide(隐藏)的关键,根据语境,secret一般是要被隐藏的,那么由此可以推断hide。再看时态,本句使用现在进行时,因此锁定答案为hiding。
2. surprising。在It is (not) ... that结构中,it 是形式主语,真正主语是that从句。系动词be 后常跟形容词类单词。因此可以确定,空格处应填入surprising或surprised。再进一步分析:v.+ing多表示主语所具有的特征或属性,表示“令人……的”;v.+ed多表示主语所处的状态,表示“感到……”。根据句意,应填入surprising。
3. pressure。本题实词要看虚词脸色,under pressure 为固定词组搭配,意为“在压力下”。从文章可知,72%以上美国人认为政府向公众隐瞒了UFO 相关信息,他们希望得到真相,所以政府现在面临着需要向公众解密UFO记录的巨大压力。因此可以锁定答案为pressure。另外要注意的是pressure与press的拼写差别,错一个字母,功亏一篑。
4. presidency。空格处所在句子含有during 短语,表示“在……其间”。空格前面有名词所有格形式Bill Clinton’s,可以判断应填入名词。president 虽是名词,但指“总统”;presidency 也是名词,但表示“总统的任期”。根据句意,应填入presidency,表示在“克林顿任总统期间”。
5. existence。空格处前面有定冠词the,后面有介词of,可以判断空格处应填入所给词exist (v.)的名词形式,即existence。
6. with。provide意为“提供、供给”,常用于下列结构中:provide sth. for sb. / provide sb. with sth.。本句空格前面有provide scientists,后面有data,可以判断应填入with。
7. place。takeplace意为“发生”。本句主语为This accident,并且后面有时间状语in 1965,可以判断谓语动词应表示“发生”,所以应填入place。
8. gravity。根据文章可知,一些分析家认为,1965 年那次UFO 有可能是前苏联发往金星的太空探测器,但是由于没能摆脱地球引力而引发了坠落。因此,空格处应填入gravity。
9. Additionally。additionally意为“此外”,表示递进或进一步阐述。从文章上一段第一句话可知,作者介绍CFI 组人员请求政府首先从宾夕法尼亚州凯克斯伯格(Kecksburg)开始,公布几起UFO 事件。本段作者进一步说明,凯克斯伯格当地的居民也想了解事件的真相。注意所填入的词位于句首,首字母要大写。
10. afternoon。空格前有that修饰,可以判断空格处应填入名词。空格处所在句子含有on介词短语,表示时间。文章最后一句“... and later that evening, ...”也可说明空格处应填入表示时间的词。
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